Beach life

I have decided that I am obsessed with taking photos of water and clouds. There is something about how the ocean can be so dangerous yet so refreshing and beautiful. It reminds me of how my life has been over the last several years.

The beauty of the idea of being pregnant and starting a family. This is like walking the beach on a beautiful day, swimming in the ocean and finding that perfect shell. Then all of a sudden a storm brews and the waves get high, the red flags come out, the tides roll in and I realize I cannot carry a baby. For no specific reason, my body attacks pregnancies and even with an IVF strategic placement, I miscarry. The doctors label this as a form of infertility. While yes, I can get pregnant…I cannot stay pregnant. It is like being at the beach on the most beautiful day and having the tide change while I am in the water trying to keep my head up and not get pulled under by the current. At the end of the day, there is always a sunset and a new day waiting with a fresh sunrise to breathe again…




A little love….